Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup 59
Setting Mail Service Logging Options
Mail service logs can show the following levels of reported detail:
 Debug: All debugging information
 Information: Connection transactions, delivery attempts, authentication attempts
 Notice: Authentication failures
 Critical: Errors that require prompt administration attention
 Warning: All warnings and errors
 Errors: All errors
 Critical: Errors that require prompt administration attention
Setting the Mail Service Log Detail
You can choose log detail for each service category (outgoing, incoming, or junk
mail lter).
To set the Mail service log detail:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
4 Select the service whose log detail you want to set:
SMTP for outgoing mail and connections from external mail servers Â
POP/IMAP for incoming mail retrieval for users Â
Junk Mail/Virus for the junk Mail service Â
5 Choose a detail level from the Log Detail Level pop-up menu.
6 Click Save.
Archiving Mail Service Logs by Schedule
Mac OS X Server archives Mail service logs after a specied time. Each archive log is
compressed and uses less disk space than the original log le. You can customize the
schedule to archive the logs after a set period of time, measured in days.
To archive logs by schedule:
1 In Server Admin, select Mail in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
4 Click “Archive Logs Every ____ Days.”
5 Enter the number of days.
6 Click Save.
For information about viewing Mail service logs, see “Viewing Mail Service Logs”
on page 86.