
Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Hard drive
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Hard drive
No internal SCSI
drives operate
1 Verify there are no duplicate SCSI device addresses.
2 Replace SCSI data cable.
3 Replace power supply.
4 Reseat ROM, RAM, and cache SIMMs, and reseat terminator
5 Replace logic board. Retain customer’s SIMMs.
Drive does not appear
on the desktop
1 Verify there are no duplicate SCSI device addresses.
2 If drive is not initialized, use HD SC Setup to initialize.
(Note: Use Apple RAID to initialize RAID drives for the WS
9150 drives.)
3 Replace SCSI cable.
4 Replace hard drive. (Note: If replacing an Apple WS 9150
RAID drive, you must reinstall the RAID software on the
drive. See “RAID Information” in Basics.)