TABLE 9 – Troubleshooting Guide
Symptom Possible Reason Troubleshooting Procedure
Dehumidifier does
not turn on/run.
No power to unit. •Checkthatthedehumidifierispluggedin.
the 1770A requires a minimum of 14 amps.
Dehumidifier blower
is running but little or
no airflow.
Pressure drop across dehumidifier
is higher than 0.8”w.c. (1750A) or
1.5”w.c. (1770A).
Dehumidifier blower
is running but
compressor is not.
Float switch open. •Iffloatswitchinstalled,checkconnectionsatcontrolboardandemptycondensatepan.
control board.
Coil frosting. •Lackof,orreducedairflow.Check/cleanfilterandcheckforblockedductwork.
The dehumidifier
damper does not
open in TEST Mode.
Incorrect damper wiring or bad
HVAC fan does not
TIME potentiometer
is turned to TEST.
No power to HVAC equipment. •VerifythereispowertotheHVACequipment.
No power to dehumidifier. •CheckthevoltageacrosstheR&Cterminalsonthedehumidifiercontrolboard.Voltage
should be 18 VAC–30 VAC.
Incorrect wiring. •Verifywiringandconnectionsbetweenthethermostat,HVAC,anddehumidifier.
HVAC fan operates
continuously after
control knob is
moved out of TEST.
HVAC call or constant fan. •HVACequipmentismakingacall.
Dehumidifier air cycling/ventilation
set to constant ON.
The ventilation
damper does not
open when the HVAC
fan is active.
Cycle time met. •ThedamperwillnotopeniftheCycleTimehasalreadybeenmet.
ODT error or inlet air out of
temperature range.
dehumidifier control board and connections are
intake according to set-up in Ventilation Section
starting on page 12.
control board and check the resistance. Compare
the reading with the table at right.
0°F 84,500 OHMS
20°F 46,000 OHMS
40°F 26,000 OHMS
60°F 15,500 OHMS
80°F 9,500 OHMS
100°F 6,000 OHMS
Dehumidifier is not
draining properly.
Drain line or drain trap blocked. •Checkthatthedraintrapisinstalledcorrectly.
dehumidifier drip pan located below the coil.
The HVAC fan turns
on unexpectedly.
Sampling or air cycling. •DehumidifierwillturnonHVACfanduringsamplingandasneededtomeetaircyclingor
ventilation requirements as determined by the Cycle Period and Cycle Time.
Dehumidifier is
producing hot air.
Normal function. •Airisreheatedacrossthecondensercoil,resultinginatemperaturerisebetweeninletand
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