Step 9. Set up temperature scale, differential, offset and
Water Panel/filter change indicators
1. Slide the Mode switch to the Off position.
2. Press and hold both the ADJUST – Up and Down buttons until “ROOM”
and “OFF” are no longer displayed.
3. °F/°C – Use the ADJUST – Up button to toggle between °F and °C. Press
the LIGHT button when desired scale has been selected.
4. Differential Setting (d1) – The unit is shipped with this set to 1(°). This
refers to how much the temperature will swing during control. Use the
ADJUST – Up or ADJUST – Down button to change this to 1°, 2° or 3°.
A higher differential will allow more temperature swing and fewer, longer
equipment cycles. Press the LIGHT button when the desired differential
has been set.
5. Second Stage Differential Setting (d2 – MODELS 8348 & 8366 ONLY) –
This setting controls how far from the first stage differential setting the
temperature will be allowed to fall/rise before initiating second stage.