
Modes of Regeneration
Time Clock - 7 or 28 day calendar clock shall initiate regeneration at a pre-set time of day.
Parallel Individual Meters - All units are in service at the same time with either delayed or immediate re-
generation. A lockout feature or offsetting time of regeneration prevents more than one unit to regenerate
at a time. Units may use either a xed or variable reserve for operation.
This is used where the ow rate of one unit is not enough and there is sufcient down time for conditioned
water to allow one unit to regenerate and the additional unit(s) to handle the ow rates during the regen-
eration time of the other unit, during off peak times.
Alternating Systems - This is the most efcient type of system in terms of maximizing operating costs for
salt and water as it uses up all of the available capacity prior to regeneration.
Alternating One Meter - Twin units, one meter. When all of the available capacity is used the unit on
stand-by will come on line and the unit in service will go into regeneration. Regeneration may occur im-
mediate or during preset windows of time. Note: H200 Series have built-in internal meters on each unit.
Alternating Individual Meters - Twin, tri-plex or four-plex designs. One unit is always in service and the
remaining units are either in service, stand-by or regeneration. Only one unit may regenerate at a time.
Regeneration will occur immediately when one unit reaches exhaustion.
Demand Recall - Each unit has its own meter and only the primary unit is in service "on line". As the gpm
ow rate increases past a pre-set set point the second unit will come on line. If the ow rate increases
beyond the second pre-set set point and you have a tri-plex or four-plex system a third unit will come on
line, and should the ow rate increase beyond a third pre-set set point a fourth unit will come on line with
a four-plex system. As the ow rate decreases, units will go back on stand-by accordingly. When the pri-
mary unit goes into regeneration the next unit in sequence becomes the primary unit. Multiple set-points
are multiples of the rst set point. Example: 50, 100 & 150 GPM.
This is used where the ow rate for peak gpm usage may occur randomly such as a process applica-
tion for CIP at shift change or where the supply xture counts for plumbing code requirements for certain
types of applications more than likely will never occur, yet they need to meet plumbing code requirements
for schools, ofce buildings, medical complex's . . . etc. In these types of applications the system may
very well function as an alternating design most of the time.
System Designs Single Twin Tri-Plex Four-Plex
Time Clock X X X X
Variable Reserve X X X X
Parallel, Individual Meters X X X
Demand Recall X X X
Alternating, One Meter X
Alternating Individual Meters
Meter Initiated Options:
Immediate - Regeneration shall occur immediately when the unit reaches exhaustion, zero gallons remaining
Delayed - Regeneration occurs during off peak usage with a xed reserve capacity
Variable Reserve - System automatically adjusts to changing water usage patterns and adjusts the reserve
capacity accordingly by day of the week. Regeneration occurs on a delayed basis.