Instruction Sheet
SUBJECT: Improperly Assembled ZT-5400 Bypass
It has come to Hydro-Gear’s attention that the bypass on some ZT-5400s may be assembled
incorrectly. This can cause the transaxle to malfunction. Inspect the order of the transaxles by-
pass components. A correctly assembled bypass will have the seal, bypass rod, at washer, wave
washer and retaining ring installed in that order (see Figure 1). For example there have been
reports of the bypass assembled incorrectly with the at washer between the seal and the bypass
rod (see Figure 2).
To correct this the retaining ring and wave washer will need to be removed and set aside. In order
to keep oil loss to a minimum the bypass rod only needs to be partially removed. This will allow the
technician to work the at washer off the bypass rod. Once the at washer was been removed the
bypass rod can then be installed back into the transaxle. The at washer, wave washer and retain-
ing ring can then be installed (see Figure 1). Only a small amount of oil should be lost during this
procedure. If needed, top off the reservoir.
Date: 07/15/13
Retaining Ring
Wave Washer
Flat Washer
Bypass Rod
Figure 1
Wave Washer
Flat Washer
Figure 2 (Incorrect)