AZI Customer Service 800-528-7411 or 602-470-1414 Page 42 of 92
High Temperature Lift Calibration
The MAX 5000XL High Temperature
Lift Calibration routine records the lift
that is created in the heat chamber
from air currents. The calibration will
significantly improve low ash accuracy
and unit to unit correlation.
Since the calibration is performed at 600°C and ramps the temperature to 600°C twice
with a room temperature cool down in between, it takes about 2 ½ hours to complete
the calibration. The calibration can be run at night if the room temperature is similar
at night as during the hours of operation. If a fume hood is used during testing, then
use a fume hood during calibration. Note, the High Temperature Lift Calibration runs
at 600°C, so it will clean the oven chamber.
The calibration should have a lift at 30min of -0.0040g to -0.0060g and have a heater
power of 65% to 85%.
The 600°C calibration is scaled to provide compensation at other test temperatures.
This calibration is performed at the factory and can be routinely performed by the
customer. The calibration report can be printed before and after the calibration to
provide a record of the calibration difference. If there is a minimal difference, then you
can increase you calibration period and vice versa.