
Index 147
cache, clearing browser 11 5
Calculator 94
scientific 94
about 72
views 75
See also events
calendars, syncing 7, 10, 72
caller ID, hiding or showing 11 3
call forwarding 11 3
call options 37
no service 13 5, 13 6
See also phone
call waiting, turning on or o 113
deleting pictures 80
seeing pictures you’ve taken 80
taking pictures 80
upload pictures to your computer 80
caps lock, enabling 108
carrier services 11 4
Cc 111
cell signal, status icon 17
cellular network 31
charging battery 32
cleaning iPhone 16, 33
Clock 92
clocks, adding 92
closed captioning, turning on or o 11 6
cloth, cleaning 16
Component AV cable 68
Composite AV cable 68
computer requirements 5
conference calls 37
Configuration profiles 13
connecting to Internet 30
adding and editing 97
adding from Maps 87
adding from text messages 72
assigning photo to 79
favorite 41
GAL (Global Address List) 48, 97, 13 7
seeing location of 87
setting how displayed 11 2
setting how sorted 11 2
syncing 7, 10, 97
using to call someone 36
Yahoo! Address Book 10
controls, using 23
converting unprotected WMA files 13 8
converting videos 61
cookies 11 5
Cover Flow 64
current approximate location 88
cursor. See insertion point
date and time, setting 107
date format 109
Debug Console 11 5
declining calls 36
alarms 93
all content and settings 109
applications from the App Store 12 7
clocks 92
contacts 98
contacts from Favorites 41
email account 11 0
email messages 52
notes 96
pictures 80
playlists 66
songs from a playlist 66
videos 68
developer settings 11 5
directions, getting 88
disconnecting iPhone from computer 14
display freezes 131
Dock Connector to USB cable 7, 16
podcasts 12 2
downloading applications 12 7
downloading podcasts from iTunes Wi-Fi Music
Store 123
downloading songs from iTunes Wi-Fi Music
Store 122
editing text 29
eects sounds, turning on or o 102
email accounts
syncing 7
emergency calls 38
ending calls 29
enterprise, using iPhone 145
equalizer 11 6
events, calendar 73
Exchange. See Microsoft Exchange
calling a contact from 36, 41
managing 41
sending text messages 71
Fetch New Data 102
file formats, supported 51, 13 6, 13 8