Checking Camera Readiness
Wiring Check complete wiring and the position of the plug.
Electronics Switch through all modes and check the set values.
Time Code Set TC and check TC-sensitivity on all magazines.
Batteries Check power supply to all batteries in display mode 3 (take counter/power
supply): U > 20 V.
Exposure Meter Check set film speed.
Fiber Optic Screen Check if the desired fiber optic screen is in place.
Check the cleanliness of the fiber optic screen with the ARRIGLOW.
Fluff Check Remove the lens and magazine. Turn the mirror shutter forwards with the inching
knob and check the film gate for fluff on both sides.
Film Track Carefully examine the film track and film gate for deposit or scratches.
Optics Check the cleanliness of the optic surfaces of the lens and viewfinder.
Film Running Let the camera run very slowly for a few seconds with the PHASE key. Check if the
set shutter angle appears in the display. Let the camera run a little further. Check if
the RUN-LED illuminates green.