35 Format Features in a Super 16 Camera
Continuous advances in lenses, lm stock and postproduction
technologies have elevated the Super 16 lm format to new levels of
image quality and production efciency. Super 16 is now routinely
used for standard and high denition television productions, feature
lms, commercials and documentaries, and with stunning results.
By shooting Super 16, productions gain many of the advantages
of shooting lm - the lm look, its unsurpassed exposure latitude,
natural color reproduction, variable camera speeds, ramps, proven
archivability and the fact that lm is the only globally accepted
standard format - at affordable production costs. The small size and
light weight of Super 16 equipment has the extra benet of easy
portability for fast-paced production environments.
In response to market demand, ARRI is offering three new Super
16 cameras: the ARRIFLEX 416, 416 Plus and 416 Plus HS. Based on
years of camera engineering, market research and focus groups with
renowned industry professionals, the ARRIFLEX 416 cameras make
features previously only found in high end 35 mm cameras available
to Super 16 productions.
All three ARRIFLEX 416s are lightweight, modern Super 16 lm
cameras, each with a 35-style viewnder and a mirror shutter that can
be manually adjusted from 45 to 180 degrees. The 416 and 416 Plus
have an amazingly low sound level similar to that of the ARRICAM.
Their speed range is from 1 to 75 fps, while the 416 Plus HS runs
from 1 to 150 fps. A completely new lightweight ergonomic design,
integrated electronic accessories in the Plus cameras and compatibili-
ty with the same lenses and accessories used by their 35 mm siblings
make the 416 cameras the most powerful, exible and portable Super
16 cameras ever built.
n Three Models
basic model
· ARRIFLEX 416 Plus
built-in accessory electronics and radio
for wireless remote control
· ARRIFLEX 416 Plus HS
high speed for slow-motion effects with
built-in accessory electronics and radio