ARRI Imaging Technology
Each component of the D-21 and D-21 HD has been purpose-built with one goal in
mind: to create the most gorgeous cinematic images possible. Those images are the
result of a custom designed CMOS sensor, a carefully crafted optical low pass lter, a
powerful imaging hardware engine and advanced image processing algorithms. Having
full control of the imaging chain down to the smallest detail allows an optimization of
the whole system far beyond what would be possible with off-the-shelf components.
The smart orchestration of all these proprietary components is ARRI Imaging Technol-
ogy (AIT).
AIT, which is in constant development, combines ground-breaking research and
development with knowledge, feedback and suggestions gleaned from an on-going dia-
logue with professional lmmakers. AIT provides super sharp, alias-free images through
over sampling, a nely tuned optical low pass lter and advanced image reconstruction
AIT also ensures that crews can concentrate on the creative aspects of making
images, by automating many of the technical aspects. The D-21 and D-21 HD have, for
instance, an automated black balancing circuit (Correlated Double Sampling - CDS),
which continuously calibrates the black level of each pixel in each frame without any
user intervention. In addition, an automated Defect Pixel Correction (DPC) guarantees
that no single defective pixel will ever be visible. DPC is a highly sophisticated process
that analyzes every pixel plus a surrounding pixel eld in every frame (for a staggering
total of 2.5 billion pixels analyzed each second) in real-time as the camera is running.
Through AIT, the D-21 and D-21 HD produce outstanding images with a cinematic
look and feel, high contrast, the highest dynamic range and the most lm-like color
reproduction of any digital motion picture camera.