Chapter 4 151
0x4C Shadow video BIOS ROM if specified by Setup, and
CMOS is valid and the previous boot was OK.
LBT Core
0x59 Register POST Display Services, fonts, and
languages with the POST Dispatch Manager.
LBT Core
0x57 Initialize 1394 Firewire LBT Core
0xD6 Initialize PC card LBT Core
0x58 Test for unexpected interrupts. First do an STI for hot
interrupts. Secondly, test the NMI for an unexpected
interrupt. Thirdly, enable the parity checkers and
read from memory, checking for an unexpected
LBT Core
0x3F ROMPolit memory init LBT Core
0xC4 Install the IRQ vectors (Sever Hotkey) LBT Core
0x7C Initialize the hardware interrupt vectors from 08 to 0F
and from 70h to 77H. Also set the interrupt vectors
from 60h to 66H to zero.
LBT Core
0x41 ROM Pilot Init LBT Core
0x4B Initialize QuietBoot if it is installed. Enable both
keyboard and timer interrupts (IRQ0 and IRQ1). If
your POST tasks require interrupts off, preserve
them with a PUSHF and CLI at the beginning and a
POPF at the end.
LBT Core
0xDE Initialize and UNDI ROM (fro remote flash) LBT Core
0xC6 Initial and install console for UCR LBT Core
0x4E Display copyright notice. LBT Core
0xD4 Get CPU branding string LBT Core
0x50 Display CPU type and speed LBT Core
0xC9 pretask before EISA init LBT Core
0x51 EISA Init LBT Core
0x5A Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP" LBT Core
0x5B Disable CPU cache. LBT Core
0x5C Test RAM between 512K and 640K. LBT Core
0x60 Determine and test the amount of extended memory
available. Determine if memory exists by writing to a
few strategic locations and see if the data can be
read back. If so, perform an address-line test and a
RAM test on the memory.
LBT Core
0x62 The amount of memory available. This test is
dependent on the processor, since the test will vary
depending on the width of memory (16 or 32 bits).
This test will also use A20 as the skew address to
prevent corruption of the system memory.
LBT Core
0x64 Jump to UserPatch1. LBT Core
0x66 Set cache registers to their CMOS values if CMOS is
valid, unless auto configuration is enabled, in which
case load cache registers from the Setup default
LBT Core
0x68 Enable external cache and CPU cache if present.
Configure non-cacheable regions if necessary.
LBT Core
POST Code Function Phase Component