ASUS MEW-AML User’s Manual44
Power Menu
4.6 Power Menu
General Power Settings
Auto Suspend Timeout [20 Min]
This field sets the time period of inactivity before the system goes into sus-
pend mode. Configuration options: [Off] [1~2 Min] [2~3 Min]...[1 Hour]
HDD Power Down [15 Min]
This field shuts down any IDE hard disk drives in the system after a period of
inactivity as set in this user-configurable field. This feature does not affect SCSI
hard drives. Configuration options: [Disabled] [1 Min] [2 Min] ...[15 Min]
State after a Power Failure [Auto]
This allows you to set whether you want your system to reboot after the
power has been interrupted. [Off] leaves your system OFF and [On] reboots
your system. [Auto] returns your computer back to the state it was in before
the power failure. Configuration options: [Off] [Auto] [On]
Power-Up Events
On External Activity
Serial Port [Off]
This feature allows your computer to be powered up from Soft-OFF mode
when the device connecting to the serial port (such as an external modem)
reveives a call. Configuration options: [Off] [On]
PCI Bus [Off]
This feature allows your computer to be powered up from Soft-OFF mode
when a PCI device (such as a modem or network card) receives a call. Con-
figuration options: [Off] [On]