Pocket PC Software
Your device bundles the Pocket PC 2003 which includes several applications such
as Microsoft
Pocket Outlook, Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, MSN Messenger,
Media Player, and Microsoft
Today screen
The Today screen appears when you turn on your device. The Today screen gives
you a summary of the important information for the day. Tap any of the listed items
with the stylus to display the details.
Start menu
From the Start menu, you can select programs, settings, and Help topics. To
display the Start menu, tap the
icon from the top of the screen.
Tap to switch
to a program
Tap to set up or change network or modem connections
Tap to change volume or mute all sounds
Tap to display the date, time,
and your next appointment
Tap to change the date and time
Your day at a glance
Tap to display the Bluetooth menu
Tap to create a new item
Tap to view PC connection status
Tap to display the Wireless LAN menu
Tap to open a recently used program
Tap to open a program
Tap to open the Programs menu
Tap to open the Settings menu
Tap to display the Help topics