ASUS A7V400-MX motherboard user guide
Video Off Method [V/H SYNC+Blank]
This field defines the video off features. The Display Power Management System
(DPMS) feature allows the BIOS to control the video display card if it supports the
DPMS feature. [Blank Screen] only blanks the screen. Use this for monitors without
power management or “green” features. Configuration options: [Blank Screen]
[V/H SYNC+Blank] [DPMS support]
C.O.P. Control [85 degree]
Sets the threshold value for the CPU temperature. The ASUS CPU Overheating
Protection (C.O.P.) feature of this motherboard automatically shuts down the
system when the CPU temperature reaches or exceeds the threshold value.
Configuration options: [85 degree] [95 degree]
PWR Button < 4 Sec [Instant-Off]
When set to [Instant-off], the ATX switch can be used as a normal system
power-off button when pressed for less than 4 seconds. [Suspend] allows the
button to have a dual function where pressing less than 4 seconds puts the system
in sleep mode. Regardless of the setting, holding the ATX switch for more than 4
seconds powers off the system. Configuration options: [Suspend] [Instant-off]
2.6.1 Power Up Control
Power Up On PCI Devices [Disabled]
PS2KB Wakeup Select [Hot Key]
PS2KB Wakeup Password [Hot Key]
PS2KB Wakeup from S3/S4/S5 [Disabled]
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/S4/S5 [Disabled]
USB Resume from S3/S4 [Disabled]
Modem Ring Resume [Disabled]
RTC Alarm Resume [Disabled]
Date (of Month) 0
Resume Time 0 : 0 : 0
Power Up Control
F1 : Help
: Select Item -/+ : Change Value F5 : Setup Defaults
ESC : Exit
: Select Menu Enter : Select Sub-menu F10 : Save and Exit
Select Menu
Item Specific Help
Allows keyboard keys to
turn on the system.
Power Up On PCI Devices [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this parameter allows tyou to turn on the system through a
PCI LAN or modem card. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides
at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]