
1-14 Chapter 1: Product introduction
* For dual-channel memory conguration (2), you may install identical
DIMMs in all two sockets.
* Always use identical DDR2 DIMM pairs for dual-channel model. For
optimum compatibility, we recommend that you obtain memory
modules from the same vendor. Visit the ASUS website (www.asus.
com) for the latest Qualied Vendors List.
Qualified Vendors List
512MB Kingston KVR800D2N5/512 N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC-ZCE7 Pass Pass
512MB Kingston KVR800D2N5/512 N/A Promos SS V59C1512804QBF25S0054707PEBPA Pass Pass
1G Kingston KVR800D2N5/1G N/A Samsung DS K4T51083QC-ZCE7 Pass Pass
1G Kingston KHX6400D2LL/1G N/A Kingston DS Heat-Sink Package Pass Pass
1G Kingston KVR800D2N5/1G N/A Nanya DS NT5TU64M8BE-25C62321800CP Pass Pass
512MB Samsung KR M378T6553CZ3-CE7 N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC-ZCE7 Pass Pass
1G Samsung KR M378T2953CZ3-CE7 N/A Samsung DS K4T51083QC-ZCE7 Pass Pass
512MB Samsung KR M391T6553CZ3-CE7 N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC-ZCE7(ECC) Pass Pass
1G Samsung KR M391T2953CZ3-CE7 N/A Samsung DS K4T51083QC-ZCE7(ECC) Pass Pass
256MB Qimonda HYS64T32001HU-2.5-A N/A Qimonda SS HYB18T256800AF25SSS49313 Pass Pass
512MB Qimonda HYS64T64020HU-2.5-A N/A Qimonda DS HYB18T256800AF25SSS25063 Pass Pass
512MB Micron MT9HTF6472AY-80ED4 5 Micron SS 6ED22D9GKX(ECC) Pass Pass
512MB Corsair CM2X512A-6400 5 Corsair SS Heat-Sink Package Pass Pass
1G Corsair CM2X1024-6400 5 Corsair DS Heat-Sink Package Pass Pass
512MB HY HYMP564U64AP8-S6 AA N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-S6 Pass Pass
512MB HY HYMP564U64BP8-S5 AB N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821BFP-S5 Pass Pass
512MB HY HYMP564U64CP8-S5 AB 5 Hynix SS HY5PS12821CFP-S5 Pass Pass
1G HY HYMP512U64AP8-S6 AA N/A Hynix DS HY5PS12821AFP-S6 Pass Pass
1G HY HYMP512U64BP8-S5 AB 5 Hynix DS HY5PS12821BFP-S5 Pass Pass
1G HY HYMP512U64CP8-S5 AB 5 Hynix DS HY5PS12821CFPS5 Pass Pass
512MB VDATA M2GVD6G3H3160I1E53 N/A VDATA SS VD29608A8A-25EG30648 Pass Pass
1G VDATA M2GVD6G3I4170I1E53 N/A VDATA DS VD29608A8A-25EG30647 Pass Pass
512MB PSC AL6E8E63B-8E1K 5 PSC SS A3R12E3HEF641B9A05 Pass Pass
1G PSC AL7E8E63B-8E1K 5 PSC DS A3R12E3HEF641B9A05 Pass Pass
Size Vendor Model CL Brand SS/DS Component DIMM support