ASUS TV Tuner Card/BoxASUS TV Tuner Card/Box
ASUS TV Tuner Card/BoxASUS TV Tuner Card/Box
ASUS TV Tuner Card/Box
Editing optionsEditing options
Editing optionsEditing options
Editing options
Rotate. Rotate the picture 90º to the right.
Auto FixAuto Fix
Auto FixAuto Fix
Auto Fix. Automatically balance the picture’s color and brightness.
Remove Red-EyeRemove Red-Eye
Remove Red-EyeRemove Red-Eye
Remove Red-Eye. Remove the red-eye created in flash
U n d o. Undo a modification you have performed on a picture.
Previous/Next. Previous/Next.
Previous/Next. Previous/Next.
Previous/Next. Edit the previous/next picture.
Listening to FM radioListening to FM radio
Listening to FM radioListening to FM radio
Listening to FM radio
PowerCinema lets you listen to the radio, add and organize favorite
stations, and schedule automatic recordings on your computer.
Listening to the radioListening to the radio
Listening to the radioListening to the radio
Listening to the radio
1. Select
Radio Radio
Radio Radio
R a d i o from the main menu.
2. Select
Scan StationsScan Stations
Scan StationsScan Stations
Scan Stations to scan available radio stations.
3. Select
Create StationCreate Station
Create StationCreate Station
Create Station to add a new radio station to the list of
available stations.
4. Enter the station’s frequency, then press <Enter> on the keyboard or
on the remote controller.
5. Enter the station’s name, then press <Enter> on the keyboard or
on the remote controller.