P505 Smart PDA Phone
NOTE You may have to subscribe to your phone operator’s MMS
service to send MMS messages. Contact you phone operator
for details.
Multimedia Messaging Service or MMS is a messaging feature that
allows you to send messages with text, audio, video, or animation
attachments to an MMS-enabled mobile phone or a computer with
e-mail capability. An MMS message is composed of one or many
slides. Each slide can contain a maximum of three objects (text,
audio, and photo or video file).
NOTE The default maximum file size for an MMS message is 10 KB.
You may change the file size limit in the Preferences tab of the
MMS Settings menu. Your phone operator may limit the size of
the MMS message that you can send. See page 6-7 for details.
Composing an MMS messageComposing an MMS message
Composing an MMS messageComposing an MMS message
Composing an MMS message
To compose an MMS message:To compose an MMS message:
To compose an MMS message:To compose an MMS message:
To compose an MMS message:
1. Tap , then tap
2. Tap the folder name (top left)
to make sure that you are in an
MMS folder.
3. Tap
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Tap to select
MMS account
Tap to compose new MMS message