Chapter 5: Phone features
Adjusting the volumeAdjusting the volume
Adjusting the volumeAdjusting the volume
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the system (device), ring tone, and incoming call
volumes when the flip is closed.
To adjust the system (device) volume:To adjust the system (device) volume:
To adjust the system (device) volume:To adjust the system (device) volume:
To adjust the system (device) volume:
1. When the phone is in idle mode,
press the 5-way joystick forward or
backward to open the System
Volume screen.
2. Press the 5-way joystick backward
to decrease the system (device)
volume. Press forward to increase.
Refer to the 5-way joystick direction
on the right.
3. Press the 5-way joystick to return to
the previous phone menu.
To adjust the ring volumeTo adjust the ring volume
To adjust the ring volumeTo adjust the ring volume
To adjust the ring volume
1. When the phone is in idle mode,
press the center button of the
5-way joystick for two seconds to
open the Ring Volume screen.
2. Press the 5-way joystick backward
to decrease the ring volume. Press
forward to increase. Refer to the
5-way joystick direction on the right.
3. Press the 5-way joystick to return to
the previous phone menu.
N O T E You can only adjust the system and ring volumes when the
phone is not in use.
to decrease
to increase
to decrease
to increase