
2-25ASUS P8H77-I
2.7 Boot menu
The Boot menu items allow you to change the system boot options.
2.7.1 Bootup NumLock State [On]
[On] Sets the power-on state of the NumLock to [On].
[Off] Sets the power-on state of the NumLock to [Off].
2.7.2 Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
[Enabled] Enables the full screen logo display feature.
[Disabled] Disables the full screen logo display feature.
Set this item to [Enabled] to use the ASUS MyLogo 2™ feature.
Post Report [5 sec]
This item appears only when the Full Screen Logo item is set to [Disabled] and allows you to
set the waiting time for the system to display the post report. Conguration options: [1 sec] [2
sec] [3 sec] [4 sec] [5 sec] [6 sec] [7 sec] [8 sec] [9 sec] [10 sec] [Until Press ESC]
2.7.3 Wait for ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
When this item is set to [Enabled], the system waits for the F1 key to be pressed when error
occurs. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Ai Tweaker
Advanced Monitor Boot Tool
Version 2.10.1208. Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
Select the keyboard NumLock state
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F3: Shortcut
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit
F12: Print Screen
EFI BIOS Utility - Advanced Mode
Bootup NumLock State On
Full Screen Logo Enabled
Wait for ‘F1’ If Error Enabled
Option ROM Messages Force BIOS
Setup Mode EZ Mode
UEFI/Legacy Boot Enable bot...
Boot Option Priorities
Boot Override