3. Tap then tap > Manage contacts.
4. Tap Import/export > Import from SIM card then tap to select the contacts
that you wish to import to your ASUS Fonepad.
5. When done, tap
Connecting to the world
Connecting to a mobile network
After installing the micro SIM card, you are ready to use your PadFone mini to
make/receive voice calls or transmit/receive data. Dierent countries or regions
may have dierent mobile networks available and you may have to congure your
PadFone mini to access these mobile services.
To congure your mobile network setting:
1. Do any of the following to go to the Settings screen:
• Tap
to go to the All apps screen then tap Settings .
• SwipeyourngerdownfromthetopofthescreentogotoASUS Quick
Settings then tap
2. From the Settings screen, tap More....
3. Tap Mobile networks.
• IfyourPadFoneminiisunabletoconnecttoanetwork,contactyourmobile
network carrier for assistance.
• RefertothePadFone mini User Guide for instructions on how to install a micro
SIM card.
NOTE: For more details about ASUS Quick Settings, refer to the section Managing
ASUS Padfone mini E-Manual