
WAN Connection Type: Choose your Internet Service
Provider type. The choices are Automatic IP, PPPoE, PPTP,
L2TP or xed IP. Consult your ISP if the router is unable
to obtain a valid IP address or if you are unsure the WAN
connection type.
Enable WAN: Select Yes to allow the router Internet access.
Select No to disable Internet access.
Enable NAT: NAT (Network Address Translation) is a system
where one public IP (WAN IP) is used to provide Internet
access to network clients with a private IP address in a LAN.
The private IP address of each network client is saved in a NAT
table and is used to route incoming data packets.
Enable UPnP: UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) allows several
devices (such as routers, televisions, stereo systems, game
consoles, and cellular phone), to be controlled via an IP-based
network with or without a central control through a gateway.
UPnP connects PCs of all form factors, providing a seamless
network for remote conguration and data transfer. Using
UPnP, a new network device is discovered automatically.
Once connected to the network, devices can be remotely
congured to support P2P applications, interactive gaming,
video conferencing, and web or proxy servers. Unlike Port
forwarding, which involves manually conguring port
settings, UPnP automatically congures the router to accept
incoming connections and direct requests to a specic PC on
the local network.
Connect to DNS Server: Allows this router to get the DNS
IP address from the ISP automatically. A DNS is a host on
the Internet that translates Internet names to numeric IP
Authentication: This item may be specied by some ISPs.