H a n d s e t M a n a g e r
SyncManager settings once, then click on the One-Step button to automatically
synchronize thereafter.
In the SyncManager settings, you can set the kind of synchronization you would
like to do, manage folder details, calendar settings, and manage conflicts.
To open the settings window, click on the Settings button in the main
SyncManager window, OR
Select Asus V66-USB Handset Manager >SyncManager Settings from the
Windows Start Menu.
The Settings window contains three tabs: Settings, Contacts, and Calendar.
In the Settings view, you can select the items you would like to
synchronize. Under Sync Items, check Contacts or Calendar. The next
time you open SyncManager, these items will be selected.
You can set general options, including how often to synchronize data,
and whether to start synchronization automatically or manually.
Under Conflict Resolution, you can set the action to take when a
conflict occurs: Skip this item, Computer overwrite handset, or Hand-
set overwrite computer.
In the Contacts view, choose to synchronize Contacts with Outlook
Express or Outlook. You can also select the contacts folder to syn-
chronize with.
In the Calendar view, select beginning and ending dates for the
Calendar synchronization period. You can also select the calendar
folder to synchronize with.