System 4400 High Performance Loudspeakers
Model 4400 SR Surround Speakers
The Model 4400 SR Dipole/Bipole Surround Speakers (Figure 3) are
intended for use in multi-channel audio/video sound systems as dedicated
side or back surround channel speakers. The 4400 SR enclosure has two
4 ½” (115mm) GLH woofers and two of the same high performance silk
dome tweeters found in the 4400 front speakers. The surround speakers
can be switched between Dipole and Bipole operation. These settings are
explained on page 8, “Dipole/Bipole Operation of the SR Speakers.”
Although the speakers in the Atlantic Technology System 4400
are acoustically and cosmetically matched to each other for ideal
results, they may also be used with other Atlantic Technology compo-
nents and a wide variety of speakers from other manufacturers with
excellent results.
Speaker/room interactions have a huge impact on the sound of the system.
Moving the speakers just a little can make a dramatic difference in what you
hear. Remember that the best acoustic placement of the speakers will vary
from room to room. Use the following placement guidelines (see opposite
page) as a starting point. But also feel free to experiment. In fact, it may
be beneficial to hook up the front LR and surround speakers with some
extra wire and to simply drape the wire across the floor before installing
the speakers permanently. This will allow you the opportunity to move the
speakers around easily so you can find the best sonic and visual locations.
Home Theater
Remember that the primary goal of a good home theater is not to make you
believe that you are in a movie theater. It’s to make you believe you’re in the
movie. For a home theater system, place the LR speakers on either side of
the television. The three front channel speakers (LR and C) are magnetically
shielded so they will not interfere with your television picture. The left and
right front speakers should be far enough apart (6 to 10 feet, 2-3 meters,
is usually best) that you get a good stereo “image” when they are playing
alone, but not so far apart that the sound seems to be disembodied from the
TV, distracting you from the picture. When using a center channel speaker,
a wider separation of the left and right front speakers is usually possible.
You may chose to “toe” the LR speakers in, aiming them approximately at
the prime listening position. This can be particularly useful if the front LR
speakers are fairly far apart.
Try to keep the LR and C tweeters at approxi-
mately the same height and aimed at ear level when seated. This is
because we’ve designed the alignment of the drivers on the front
panel to limit the vertical spread of the mid and high frequencies,
thereby reducing the floor and ceiling reflections that adversely affect
sound quality. If the speakers are too high or too low however, you
will miss a significant portion of the upper middle and high range ele-
ments of the sound. This alignment of the drivers provides enhanced
horizontal spread of the sound making for a much better sound expe-
rience for a group o f listeners and reducing the need to sit in a pre-
cise “sweet spot.”
Surround Effects and Speaker Locations
The 4400 SR’s shape allows great flexibility in placement. Due to the swit-
chable Dipole/Bipole design, it’s possible to place the speakers almost any-
where within the rear third of the room and get good results. However, the
best location for surround speakers is straight out to the sides, or slightly
behind the primary listening area, approximately 1-2 feet (.3,.6m) above
seated ear level, but no closer than 2 feet (.6m) from the ceiling. As noted
above, the surround speakers (as opposed to the back speaker(s) in a 5.1 or
7.1 channel system, see below) are primarily intended to re-create the ambi-
ent sounds taking place in the movie scene. Therefore, throughout most of
a movie or TV program you may not be consciously aware of output from
these speakers. In other words, don’t worry if you aren’t hearing the surround
speakers. Please try to avoid the trap of turning the surrounds up and up so
that you hear them most of the time. The result will be a much less believ-
able surround experience.
There are dedicated LEFT and RIGHT model 4400 SR speakers. This is
clearly marked on the back of each speaker. Be sure that the Left side sur-
round speaker is placed directly to the left side of the prime listening area
(facing the screen) and the Right speaker is directly to the right side. As an
easy reference, the Dipole/Bipole switch should always be facing the back
of the room.
7.1 Channel Systems
For best performance in a 7.1 channel system, we recommend using another
pair of 4400 LR's on the back wall, and 4400 SR's on the side walls.
If you are setting up a system that uses back surround speaker(s) as well
as side surrounds (Dolby Digital EX, DTS ES, etc.) you can choose to use
either SR model speakers in Dipole or Bipole mode or another pair of front
LR speakers in the back of the room. If the 4400 SR’s are used as back sur-
rounds in a 7.1 channel system, they should be installed with the Right
speaker placed over the listener's left shoulder and the Left speaker placed
over the listener's right shoulder. About one-third of the way out from the
corners in most rooms is a good starting point.
If you are using a THX Ultra 2 certified controller/receiver, you should place
the back surround speakers approximately 1 to 2 feet (.3,.6m) apart in the
center of the back wall. The special circuitry in the processor will help to
create a believable and effective surround field using this placement. Please
read the electronics manual to learn more about this placement option.