Fixed Features (continued)
Ringing Line Selection
Automatically selects ringing line
Just lift handset to answer
when call comes in.
any call. No need to touch
any buttons.
Send Message
Enables attendant to notify person
Attendant does not have to
that a message is waiting.
call or leave console to give
people messages.
Attendant can keep track of
who has a message at a
Makes it possible to pass outside
Attendant can pass incoming
calls to any voice terminal in the
calls to the right people effi-
system. Person to whom call is
transferred hears a distinctive ring
Attendant can screen calls on
indicating a transferred call. Calls
intercom as part of transfer.
may be transferred either with or
without an intercom
Transfer Return
If transferred call is not answered,
Transferred calls are not lost.
it rings again at voice terminal
where it was received.
Voice Terminal Programming
Makes it possible to program voice
Customize each voice termi-
terminal for custom features.
nal in accordance with
priorities of business and
needs of individual.
Voice Terminal Testing
Makes it possible to determine
Easy troubleshooting.
whether all visual and audible indi-
Verify that voice terminal has
caters are working by moving a
been installed properly.
switch on the side of the voice
Volume Control
Makes it possible to adjust sound
Each person can control loud-
Ievel of voice terminal ring and ness of ring and speaker.
Reduces office noise.