Special options
AREA CODES, 1080 and 1070 only
You can program this phone to recognize one home
and up to five local area codes. If you simply dial
the last seven digits of a telephone number to make
a call within your own area code, you should enter
your own area code into the telephone as the home
area code. Then, if you receive a call from within
your home area code, the screen displays the seven
digits of the telephone number.
If you must dial 10 digits (the area code and
telephone number) for calls within your own home
area code, enter 000 for the home area code and
enter your area code as a local area code. Then,
if you receive a call from within your area code,
the screen displays the 10 digits of the telephone
If you ever have to dial 10-digit phone numbers,
(the area code with the 7-digit phone number), for
other nearby area codes, enter those area codes as
local area codes.
1. Press
2. Press
[ ] or [ ] until you see SPECIAL
3. Press
[ ] or [ ] until you see AREA CODES.
Press [ENTER].
4. Press
[ ] or [ ] to choose HOME AC to set the
home area code, or choose LOCAL AC1 (AC2,
AC3, AC4, or AC5) to set the local area codes.
5. Use the dial pad keys to enter the 3-digit area
code. Enter 000 for your home area code if you
never dial 7-digit numbers.
6. If you need to dial 10-digit phone numbers,
press [ ] and use the dial pad keys to enter the
3-digit local area code.
7. Press
[ ] to highlight DONE then press [ENTER].
To move to the next feature, press[ ].
To exit setup,
press and hold [ENTER].