
Auto attendant operation
About auto attendant operation
The auto attendant feature only works with a multi-phone system. If this
phone is the only telephone in your system, DO NOT select auto attendant
for this phone.
A 1080 telephone assigned as an auto attendant will automatically pick up
and redirect an incoming call from a shared outside line to another phone in
the same system.
An auto attendant can only answer one call at a time, so you may want to
have more than one auto attendant in your system so that even when a
call on one line is being answered, a second auto attendant telephone can
answer another ringing line. You can designate up to 16 auto attendants in
your system. (See Using multiple auto attendants on page 61 for further
Refer to page 46 of the installation guide to make a 1080 system telephone
an auto attendant. Then see pages 46-51 to set its auto attendant answer
delay time, operation time and record system announcements (day, night and
directory announcements).
• Only outside calls can be answered by an auto attendant.
• The auto attendant phone will not answer calls when the phone is being used
for setup, message review, call history review, or a phone call.
• If multiple auto attendants are assigned in the same system, you must select
different AUTO ATT DELAY settings for these telephones (at least three
seconds, page 49 of the installation guide).
• After the auto attendant answers, if the caller does not enter an extension
number or a command, the auto attendant will automatically transfer the call
to Extension 11. Please make Extension 11 a 1080 telephone and an auto
If an auto attendant is active, adjust the delay times for different features to let
the auto attendant system answer outside calls. The answering system answer
delay time (ANSWER DELAY, page 66) of all 1080 telephones in the same
system must be longer than the auto attendant answer delay time (AUTO ATT
DELAY, page 49 of the installation guide).