Refer to the following table if you have trouble with your MERLIN system. Identify the symptom in the “Trouble” column of the table, and perform the recom-
mended steps to isolate and correct the problem. If you are unable to identify a particular problem, perform the general test on page 29 before calling your equip-
ment supplier for help. Once you have programmed and administered your system, you may want to obtain the Service and Maintenance Manual: Models 206,
410, and 820 for additional information on troubleshooting your system.
Possible Cause Do this
You have difficulty
Incorrect Tone/Pulse
Check the Tone/Pulse switch
the switch is set to Pulse and
set the switch to Tone.
placing outside calls setting
setting on the control unit.
you have Touch-Tone telephone
from more than one
voice terminal.
the switch is set to Tone and you
set the switch to Pulse. This cor-
have rotary (pulse) telephone
rects the setting but does not solve
this problem. Go to step 2.
the switch is set for the ap-
go to step 2.
propriate telephone service
Call Restriction
Refer to the administration
the feature is activated on the
deactivate the feature following the
feature activated on
manual to learn how to ad-
malfunctioning voice terminals
instructions in the administration
the malfunctioning
minister the Call Restriction
voice terminals
the feature is not activated on
go to step 3.
the malfunctioning voice
Try to place both outside and
the trouble appears on intercom
the trouble is caused by a compo-
system components
intercom calls from several calls or the trouble appears on
nent in your system. Refer to the
voice terminals. only one voice terminal
other tests in this table to identify
the source of the problem.
the trouble appears only on out-
go to step 4.
side calls
Faulty telephone
At the control unit location,
the trouble appears on the basic
go to step 5.
company wiring
unplug the line cords from telephone, and the interface
the network interface, and in
uses a line adapter
their place plug in a basic
telephone. (Do not use a
the trouble appears on the basic
your outside telephone lines are
system voice ter-
telephone, and the interface
faulty. Report the trouble to your
minal.) Try to place an out-
does not have a line adapter
local telephone company
side call from each network
interface jack.