Trouble Indication User Response
After requesting retrieval of
fax messages or after
making selections from the
Fax Response service, no
fax messages are received.
There is otherwise no
indication to the caller that
something is wrong.
1. If this only happens when making
the call from a specific fax machine,
the problem may be the fax machine
itself. Some fax machines must be
in manual mode in order to receive a
fax message on the same call. They
work fine if the fax message arrives
via a separate call.
2. The association of extension
numbers with fax channels may be
incorrect. Check the Fax Channel
Administration screen and ensure
that all fax channels can be reached
on the extension numbers
associated with them.
3. One or more fax channels may be
4. The extension connected to a fax
channel is dead or cannot be
reached by transferring from one or
more of the extensions connected to
the voice channels.
5. Caller may be calling from a non-
Group 3 fax machine.
6. A wrong number may have been
7. The caller may not have correctly
followed the FAX Attendant
8. Under normal operating conditions, it
is not unusual to experience some
failed transmissions, as that is
inherent to fax communications.
This is exacerbated when users are
requesting fax messages on the
same call, because retry is not
possible in this mode of operation,
since the caller’s fax number is not