Improving Performance
M-6 Issue 4 September 1995
Check Backup
Recommendation: When using check-backup commands to queue a call to
backup splits, ensure that an adequate amount of time has elasped before
checking the backup splits again.
With the introduction of the ‘Expected Time Wait Time’ feature in Generic 3
Version 4, the style of programming used in this example is no longer
relevant. The best approach is to use the ‘Expected Time Wait’ feature to
locate the most appropriate split for the call and queue it there.
The example in Figure M-7 checks backup splits continuously as long as the call
is in queue.
Figure M-7. Example Vector
The example in Figure M-8 adds a delay of 10 seconds to ensure that some time
has elasped before checking the backup splits again.
Figure M-8. Example Vector with Improved Performance
1. queue-to main split 1 pri h
2. announcement 3000
3. wait-time 10 seconds hearing music
4. check-backup split 21 pri m if available-agents > 0
5. check-backup split 22 pri m if available-agents > 0
6. check-backup split 23 pri m if available-agents > 0
7. check-backup split 24 pri m if available-agents > 0
8. check-backup split 25 pri m if available-agents > 0
9. goto step 4 if unconditionally
1. queue-to main split 1 pri h
2. announcement 3000
3. wait-time 30 seconds hearing music
4. check-backup split 21 pri m if available-agents > 0
5. check-backup split 22 pri m if available-agents > 0
6. check-backup split 23 pri m if available-agents > 0
7. check-backup split 24 pri m if available-agents > 0
8. check-backup split 25 pri m if available-agents > 0
9. wait-time 10 seconds hearing music
10. goto step 4 if unconditionally