Accessing IS-III
Using On-Line Help
For most of the IS-III menus and screens, the system provides an on-line help
screen. Whenever the system provides [
F1 ] (HELP), a help screen is available.
Typically, the help screen provides a brief description of the active menu or screen
(that is, the menu or screen in which you are currently working). To access the help
screen, press [
F1 ] (HELP). If there is more than one “page” of a help screen for a
particular menu or screen, [
F2 ] (PREVPAGE) and [ F3 ] (NEXTPAGE) appear. The
system beeps when you reach the end of a help screen. To exit the help screen and
return to the menu or screen, press [
F6 ] (CANCEL).
For example, if you press [
F1 ] (HELP) when you are viewing the Integrated Solution
III Main Menu, the following help screen appears:
Help on IS
The Integrated Solution III (IS III) menu provides access to all
installed IS III application packages and maintenance items useful
to a user
The items on the Integrated Solution III Menu are:
An entry for each installed IS III application: You can
access the application by hitting <Enter> when the cursor
is next to the application entry.
Screen 2-3. Page 1 of the Help Screen for the Integrated Solution III Main Menu
The [
F2 ] (PREVPAGE) and [ F3 ] (NEXTPAGE) keys indicate that there is at least an
additional page of help information. To view the next page, press [
The following help screen appears: