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Table 7-1. Data Feature vs Communications Systems
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
System 75 System 85
_ ______________________ _ ______________________________
Data Services Features R1V1 R1V2 R1V3 Generic 1 R2V1 R2V2 R2V3 R2V4 Generic 2
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Data Call Setup From a Voice Set
1-Button Transfer with Preindication Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manual Transfer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Terminal Dialing
Numeric Dialing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Default Dialing No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Mnemonic Dialing No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Computer Dialing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Data Hot Line No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Data Privacy/Data Protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Data Restriction/Data Protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Data Only Off-Premises Extension Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
computer port. In the administration of mnemonic dialing, one table that cross-references mnemonic
names to telephone numbers is created and maintained on the switch.
Data Call Setup From a Voice Terminal
This features lets users dial the data endpoint from a voice terminal with an associated data module. This
feature must be used in lieu of Terminal Dialing to establish connections for synchronous (for example,
IBM 3274) terminals that do not have an RS-366 automatic calling unit (ACU) interface.
Computer Dialing
This feature makes it possible for a host computer to automatically dial a data endpoint. Hosts can
originate data calls when their ports are equiped with data modules or modems that have an ACU. The
hosts must also have software that manages call initiation and termination.
Data Hot Line
With this feature, the switch automatically dials a default number when the user presses the BREAK key at
the terminal or the Originate/Disconnect bottom on the data module. This feature is an administrable