ct—Controlled Termination Restriction Call (V3 and Generic 1 systems)—
Indicates that a call has been redirected to the attendant because a user has
Controlled Termination Restriction and the calling party has tried to call that
f—Call Forwarding
—Shows that a system user has forwarded his or her
incoming calls to the attendant.
hc—Held Call—Indicates that the preset time limit has expired for a call on
hold at the console (applies only to V1).
ic—intercept Call—Indicates that the incoming call has been redirected to the
attendant as a result of Intercept Treatment.
ld—DID LDN Call—Indicates that the incoming call is a Listed Directory
Number (LDN) call on a Direct Inward Dialing (DID) trunk.
rc—Recall Call—Shows that a system user, active on a call held on the
console, is requesting attendant assistance.
rt—Return Call—Shows that an attendant-extended call was not answered
within the preset time and has returned to the console.
tc—Trunk Control—Shows that a system user tried to place an outgoing call,
the Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access feature is active for that
particular trunk group, and the call has been redirected to the console.
When the Call Coverage feature is active and the attendant is a covering user, the
following call purpose identifiers will be displayed:
Indicates that the called voice terminal user is active on a call, and
the called voice terminal user has a temporary bridged appearance of the call.
Indicates that the called voice terminal user is active on a call, and
the called voice terminal user does not have a temporary bridged appearance
of the call.
d—Don’t Answer or Cover—Indicates that the called voice terminal was not
answered or that the calling system user has sent the call to coverage, or the
called voice terminal user is not available. This identifier also indicates that the
called voice terminal has a temporary bridged appearance of the call.
s—Send All Calls—Shows that the called system user is temporarily sending
all calls to coverage.