AT&T Mall
Personalize your phone with downloadable games, graphics and ring
tones from the hottest artists*.
1. On the Home Screen, click AT&T Mall .
Browse thousands of ring tones from the classics to today’s top
performers at Shop Tones.
Find games to turn your downtime into fun time at Shop Games.
Personalize your phone with unique art at Shop Graphics.
Find an MMS greeting card that is perfect for the occasion at
Shop Multimedia.
Subscribe to useful applications and cool tools discovered at
Shop Applications.
*Additional charges may apply for downloadable content. Your use of third party
products and services shall be governed by and subject to you agreeing to the terms
of separate licenses, if any, for those products or services. RIM and AT&T makes no
representation, warranty or guarantee whatsoever in relation to the third party products
and services and assumes no liability whatsoever in relation to the third party products
and services even if RIM and AT&T has been advised of the possibility of such damages
or can anticipate such damages.
AT&T Mall
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