In the event of a power failure, any calls in progress are lost; call records
for those calls are also lost.
Intercom calls are not recorded, but inside calls made using the Centrex
extension number are.
If you place a call on hold and the caller hangs up, the call is considered
complete and the record is sent to the call reporting device.
Serial Printers
A 355AF adapter lets you connect a serial printer, such as AT&T’s 572 Serial
Printer, to the primary processor module. If you connect a printer, make sure
the printer’s switches are set as follows (refer to the printer’s instructions if you
need help):
1200 baud
No parity
8 data bits
2 stop bits.
The call reporting feature also supports XON/XOFF protocol, carriage returns,
and line feeds.
Call Accounting Devices
You can send call information to a call accounting device if you want to further
analyze call activity. The device stores rate table information and processes the
call information it receives into meaningful reports that can help you optimize
your communications system. For example, you can use it to determine the best
combination of local and long distance lines.
The call accounting device connects directly to the SMDR jack on the primary
processor module and can also print out daily reports that include summaries
by hour, facility, and extension jack number. Refer to the manual provided with
the call accounting device for instructions on connecting it to your equipment
Using Auxiliary Equipment