
Copyright © 2004 Advanced American Telephones. All Rights Reserved.
AT&T and the Globe Design are trademarks of AT&T Corporation.,
licensed to Advanced American Telephones.
See page 7
for easy instructions
You must install and
charge the battery before
using the telephone
Add new handsets to make your phone more versatile (see page 46)
Your telephone can accommodate up to 8 cordless handsets. You can add new
handsets (sold separately) at any time. Up to 4 handsets at a time can be used.
The handset provided with your telephone is automatically registered as Handset 1.
Additional handsets will be assigned numbers in the order they are registered (2, 3, 4,
etc.) up to a maximum of 8 handsets.
Handset 1 Handset 2 Handset 3
For customer service or product
information, visit our web site at
or call
Please also read
Important Product Information
Enclosed in product package
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