Issue 2 April 1996 3-5
UnixWare Installation
New Installations
Before you begin the installation, review the following guidelines:
■ We recommend that you complete the installation
checklists in your UnixWare installation handbook before
you begin the installation.
■ Use the installation defaults as much as possible.
Procedure To start the installation process:
During the installation, your screen prompts you for information
about your system’s configuration. In general, use the UnixWare
defaults. However, some of the prompts require information
specific to the Proxy Agent.
The following table provides this information:
Step Action
1 Insert the installation diskette and the CD for UnixWare.
2 Reboot your computer.
Result: First the startup screen displays. Then the
welcome screen displays.
3 Follow the screen prompts.
Hint: If you need help, see the UnixWare installation
handbook for release 2.01 .