206 Module
Extension Jack
12 outside lines via line jacks on
2 outside lines
Maximum 2 devices per extension
two 206 plus two 400 modules
6 extensions
jack, total REN on jack not to
24 extensions via extension jacks
on four 206 modules
400 Module
exceed 2.0* (System phone
REN: 0.0 (zero))
and Weights
1 loudspeaker paging system
4 outside lines
No more than one system phone
via PAGE jack on processor
per jack
1 audio source via MUSIC ON
For programming, a system display
HOLD jack on processor module
phone must be connected to
(RCA phono plug required)
extension 10 or 11.
1 call reporting device via SMDR
jack on processor module (355A/F
adapter required)
2 doorphones via 2 ext. jacks
Processor Module
11"(D) x 17"(H) x 1.5"(W) or 27.9 x 43.2 x 3.8 cm
206 module
11"(D) x 17"(H) x 1.5"(W) or 27.9 x 43.2 x 3.8 cm
400 module
11"(D) x 17"(H) x 1.5"(W) or 27.9 x 43.2 x 3.8 cm
Backplane & cover
12"(D) x 19"(H) x 11"(W) or 30.5 x 48.3 x 27.9 cm
MLS-34D phone
9.7"(D) x 5.3"(H) x 10"(W) or 24.6 x 13.5 x 25.4 cm
MLS-18D phone
9.5"(D) x 5"(H) x 6.75"(W) or 24.1 x 12.7 x 17.1 cm
MLS-12D phone
9.5"(D) x 5"(H) x 6.75"(W) or 24.1 x 12.7 x 17.1 cm
MLS-12 phone
9.5"(D) x 5"(H) x 6.75"(W) or 24.1 x 12.7 x 17.1 cm
MLS-6 phone
9.5"(D) x 5"(H) x 6.75"(W) or 24.1 x 12.7 x 17.1 cm
MLC-6 phone
9.4"(D) x 3.4"(H) x 7"(W) or 23.9 x 8.6 x 17.8 cm
MLS-CA24 Autodialer
9.7"(D) x 5.3"(H) x 3.4"(W) or 24.6 x 13.5 x 8.6 cm
4.0 lbs or 1.8 kgs
4.5 lbs or 2.0 kgs
4.0 lbs or 1.8 kgs
5.5 lbs or 2.5 kgs
3.1 lbs or 1.4 kgs
2.8 lbs or 1.3 kgs
2.8 lbs or 1.3 kgs
2.7 lbs or 1.2 kgs
2.7 lbs or 1.2 kgs
2.8 lbs or 1.3 kgs
1.3 lbs or 0.6 kgs
Switch Fabric
Full digital, nonblocking
10 Watts (35 BTUs/hour) per 400 module, normal and maximum power consumption
65 Watts (225 BTUs/hour) per 206 module during normal operation
100 Watts (350 BTUs/hour) per 206 module during maximum power consumption
4 Amps maximum current at full system capacity (processor module and four 206 modules)
On a PARTNER Plus 220V System: 2.2 Amps maximum current
4-day memory backup (96 hours)
68000 microprocessor, 64K RAM, 256K ROM
Extension ■
Ringing voltage: +5VDC, -140 VDC peak to peak; trapezoidal wave shaping
On a PARTNER Plus 220V System: +5VDC, -150 VDC peak to peak
35- to 38-Volt talk battery
Ringing frequency: 20 Hz
Draws current on inner wire pair
Provides contact closure on outer wire pair
600 Ohm impedance
* The two devices combined on an extension jack can be a system phone with a standard device, or two standard devices; DO NOT
connect two system phones to the same extension jack. If a device lists two RENs, use the higher number when adding up RENs.