We suggest using this form as a training aid, to communicate to your
staff how their extensions are programmed in the system. To avoid
completing an entire form for each user, first use one form to fill in
information that applies to everyone, photocopy enough of them for each
user, and finally complete the individual forms.
All the information you need is already shown on forms A1, A2, and C,
in the System Planner, and the instructions below tell you where to find
the information in the Planner.
Line Assignments
and Ringing
Form A2: Check box next to each line
assigned to this extension.
Form A1, Section 7: If you wish, describe the
line (with a telephone number, etc...).
Use line only to...
■ Form A2 (Line Use Restrictions): Check the
To call out...
Transfer Return
Transfer Return
appropriate box for any restricted line.
O =
Place Calls (“Outgoing Calls Only”)
I =
Answer Calls (“Incoming Calls Only”)
N =
Pick Up Held/Transferred Calls (“No
Access to Line”)
■ Form A2 (Line Ringing Options): Check
appropriate box if any of the lines are
Delayed Ring (D) or No Ring (N).
Form A1, sections 7 and 9: If any line is
Centrex or PBX, enter the dial-out code
(example: “9”).
Form A1, section 9: Enter Transfer Return
Rings. If there is no entry on form A1, enter a
“4” (the factory setting).
Form A1, section 9: Enter Transfer Return
Extension. If there is no entry on form A1, leave
Outside Conference
Form A1, section 9: If checked on form A1,
check the box on this form.
No Abbreviated
Form A2: Check appropriate
boxes that apply to this extension.
Automatic Privacy
Call Pickup Group
Form A2: Check box if extension is in
any of these groups.
Outgoing Call
Form A2: Check appropriate
boxes that apply to this extension.
Allowed, Disallowed,
Form C: Either show the num-
and Emergency Phone
bers assigned to this extension,
or photocopy form C and check
“see separate list.”
Night Service
Form A1, section 9: if your system
has Night Service and a System
Password, check the first box. If your
system has Night Service, but no
System Password, check the second
Form A1, section 9: If your system
has any hotline phones or door-
phones, check boxes and complete
charts. If you wish, include a descrip-
tion (for example, “copy room”).
Form A1, section 9: If any auto
attendants will be connected to the
system, indicate their extensions. Also
indicate each auto attendant’s Trans-
fer Return extension—that is, the
extension to get calls the auto atten-
dant cannot transfer because the
extension or route the caller dials
does not answer.