Test RPSD Lock Installation
The Self Check tests the health of the RPSD Lock. If the correct response is received when the
test is run, the RPSD Lock is functioning properly.
To perform the Self Check, dial the RMATS channel from a touch-tone telephone. When the call
is answered, you hear a short tone (indicating a connection to the RPSD Lock). Press 1 ✱ on the
telephone pad.
If the response is 3 quick tones, followed by the RPSD Lock disconnecting, the Lock is
functioning properly.
Finally, have the technical support center call the RMATS channel. If access is successful, the
installation is working properly. If access is unsuccessful, refer to Chapter 5, Troubleshooting.
After a successful access of the port has shown the Lock to be working properly, try dialing out
through the RMATS channel via the Lock. If you have trouble with making an outgoing call, the
likeliest scenario is that the tip and ring leads are reversed. Reverse the current connection of the
tip and ring leads from the CO line to the RPSD Lock and try dialing out again. A failure at this
juncture indicates something is wrong with the Lock. See Chapter 5, Troubleshooting. If the
Lock does not work properly, it must be replaced.
If all tests are passed successfully, installation is complete for the technician. Lock initialization
can now be performed by the RPSD system administrator.
Test RPSD Lock Installation