
Equipment Brief
Orange SKU
Blue SKU
Item Description
64297 738516908632 BAT MOTL7 1000 EXT/DR LI OR $44.99
64298 738516809281 BAT MOTL7 840 STD LI OR $41.99
64301 738516001340 CAS MOTL7 2PK BL/BW AR $29.99
64331 738516809748 CAS MOTL7 BK ARMBAND AR $29.99
64046 738516440361 CHR MOTV3 TRAVEL CHR AR $29.99
63612 738516926186 CLA MOTV3 VPC OR $29.99
63592 738516924458 DAT MOTV220/180/3 USB CABLE OR $24.99
63650 738516926155 EBD MOTV3 USB HEADSET OR $21.99
63928 738516806600 HDS JAB250v BLUETOOTH AR $79.99
63594 738516924649 HDS MOTHS801 BLUETOOTH OR $39.99
63806 738516928036 HDS MOTHS815 BLUETOOTH OR $49.99
63595 738516926254 HDS MOTHS820 BT W/Y-CABLE OR $79.99
63805 738516928685 HDS MOTHS850 BLUETOOTH OR $99.99
64394 738516810195 HDS MOTL7 3.5/EMU ADAPTER OR $19.99
64408 738516815626 HDS MOTL7 EMU STEREO HDS OR $29.99
64184 607375022080 HDS MOTO BT H500 $89.99
64221 738516800332 HDS PLA320 EXPLORER BT AR $49.99
64222 738516806730 HDS PLA510 VOYAGER BT AR $79.99
64223 738516800455 HDS PLA640 DISCOVERY BT AR $119.99
63593 738516804422 HDS PLAM2500 BLUETOOTH OR $49.99
64265 738516808475 HDS SERHBH-608 BT AR $79.99
63397 738516923048 HDS UNIVBLUETOOTH W/CHARGER OR $89.99
63335 607421730228 HDS UNIVUNIV BT W/CHARGER AR $69.99
64303 607375023582 MISC LG Portable Speakers OR $49.99
63596 738516923031 MISC MOTHF800 BT WRLES SPKR OR $99.99
64089 738516800486 MISC MOTROKR E1 512MB MICSD AR $69.99
64036 723755640368 MISC RAZRWIRE BLACK OR $294.99
64038 723755640382 MISC RAZRWIRE MERCURY OR $294.99
64037 723755640375 MISC RAZRWIRE ROOTBEER OR $294.99
Learning Edge and Cingular University Course code: MOT113
Details, one page training job aid and FAQs can be found on the Description page on CSP, keyword: iTunes
Phone specs and equipment pricing can be found in the Equipment Catalog located on CSP
iTunes just like you know it - Here’s how easy it is:
Suggested Qualifying Questions:
“Did you know the SLVR L7 has an Airplane Mode allowing you to listen to your iTunes music when traveling?”
“And speaking of traveling… isn’t it important for you to rely on your phone regardless of where you are? The
SLVR L7 is a Quad Band World Phone which will pick up on any available GSM network on the globe. ”
Are you aware that with a Bluetooth headset, the SLVR L7 allows conversations up to 100 feet away? Most
Bluetooth phones can only support up to 30 feet.”
“The SLVR L7 is much more that just a cool looking iTunes device. Did you know this phone also has a VGA
camera with 4x zoom and video capture capabilities?”
“Don’t you like to personalize? The large non scratch display is great for photos and downloadable graphics.”
“Do you like the look of the RAZR but prefer a candy bar form factor?”
o Install the included iTunes PC software
o Connect the phone & load up to 100 songs share from your existing iTunes
music library
o Use the iTunes soft key to play, shuffle & show artist information, just like
Never miss a beat
o Pause music when you get a call
esume music with the press
of a button once you hang up