How to Use the Features
The following procedures give short, step-by-step instructions for using each feature.
For your convenience, features are listed alphabetically.
Special Instructions for General Use
As you operate the features assigned to your telephone, keep in mind the following
general rules.
Follow carefully all the steps listed in the procedure for the particular feature
you are using.
If you receive an intercept tone (high-pitched, alternating high and low tone)
while attempting to operate any feature, you have taken too much time to
complete a procedural step or have made a dialing error. Hang up, get dial
tone, and begin again at Step 1.
For directions on filling out the programmable dialing buttons designation
card, see the procedures for “Programmable Dialing Buttons” under Phone
Features in this section.
In many cases, before you begin a procedure, you must have the handset off-
hook (removed from the cradle of the telephone), or, if you are using an 8110
telephone, you can turn on the speakerphone.
To the right of each Phone Feature heading is a box. For each feature available
on your telephone, make a check in the blank box as a reminder. This check
indicates that you can use any of these features immediately, without any help
from your system manager.
Conventions Used in Procedure Descriptions
In this guide, the following conventions are used in the procedure descriptions:
[ Feature ]
Each of these boxes represents a button that has a
feature assigned to it. The button is labeled with the
feature name.
[feedback tone]
The tone that appears in brackets after a step indicates
what you should hear from your handset (or
speakerphone, if appropriate) after successfully
performing that step.
For a list of tones and their meanings, see the section titled Tones and Their