
Other Voice Terminals
Other Voice Terminals
Voice Terminals Reusable from Other Systems
The customer may have voice terminals that were used with a previous system that are compati-
ble with System 75 and System 85. The installation of these reusable voice terminals in a Sys-
tem 75 or System 85 is possible, but not recommended.
Advantages of Reusable Terminals
The main advantage of reusable terminals is a modest cost savings.
Disadvantages of Reusable Terminals
Reusable terminals have the following disadvantages:
No access to data communications
Incompatible with System 75 and 85 adjuncts
No alphanumeric displays
Difficult administration
Models 7302H, 7303H, 7305H01B, and 7305H02B
These MERLIN communication system voice terminals are similar is appearance and functions
to Systems 75 and 85 multi-appearance terminals.
The 7302H is a 5-button voice terminal that can be desk or wall mounted. This set can no longer
be ordered.
The 7303H is a 10-button voice terminal that can be desk or wall mounted. This set can no
longer be ordered.
The 7305H series is a 34-button voice terminal. This terminal can be equipped with or without
different features such as built-in speakerphone or display. Some versions of the 34-button
series can be ordered using PEC code 3162 and the appropriate suffix.