This initial flashing of the LED allows the operator, if Hi-Jack mode is inadvertently
triggered, the time to disable the Hi-Jack mode before the siren sounds.This is ac-
complished by pressing the hidden Anti Hi-Jack override button.
Stage 2 For the next 30 seconds in 10 second intervals, the siren will emit a single chirp.
The intent of thechirp signals is a warning that thenext stage will begin the shut down
sequence, first causing the engine to hesitate and then in stage 4 to stall.
Stage 3 For the next 30seconds, the unit will begin to flashthe parking lights, sound the siren,
and pulse the ignition system on and off. This stage calls attention to the vehicle by
flashing the lights, sounding the siren, and pulsing the ignition circuit, causing the
engine to slow down.
Stage 4 At this point, the ignition circuitis inhibited, (The vehicle turns of f),the siren continues
to sound, and the lights continueto flash. After 30 seconds, the siren stops sounding
yet the ignition remains inhibited and thelights continue to flash. Because the engine
is disabled, typically the thief will abandon the vehicle.
If you are the unfortunate victim of a vehicle Hi-Jack, for your personal safety, it is best to leave
the vehicle as quickly as possible. Never attempt to oppose the thief in any way. If the thief
prevents you from leaving the vehicle, disarm the Hi-Jack feature to prevent the system from
sounding while you are in the presence of your captor. Once you exit the vehicle, opening and
then closing the door will initiate the Hi-jack feature and the vehicle will be disabled after the 4
stages described above are complete.
NOTE: If at anytime during stage three or four the ignition is turned off then on, theAPS-25HJ
will allow the vehicle to start one time for 15 seconds. The circuit will then begin pulsing the
ignition on then off for an additional 15 seconds, after which the ignition will be inhibited until the
APS-25HJ is reset. The intent of this last start is to allow the vehicle to be moved off the road,
out of the way of traf fic. The parking lights will continue to flash after a Hi-Jack attempt until the
circuit is reset. This is to insure the vehicle is highly visible regardless of where it might have
been abandoned.
Anytime after the Hi-Jackmode has been triggered, the circuit canbe disarmed simply by press-
ing the hidden push button switch. Depressing this switch one time will cause the APS-25HJto
reset the Hi-Jack mode. The circuit will not trigger again unless the door is opened and then
closed while the vehicle is running.
The secured mode of operation is available regardless of whether or not the normal Hi-Jack
feature is enabled. The secured mode is used in areaswhere the operator of the vehicle maybe
attacked returning to their car. Shopping mall parking lots, dark streets, hidden driveways are
typical places a thief may hide waiting for the operator to return to their vehicle. Placing the unit
in the secured mode allows the owner to readily of fer their keys to the thiefwith confidence that
the vehicle cannot be driven very far.
To Enter The Secured Mode:
Page 6