The Green wire of the two pin harness provides a ground pulse during the disarming sequence, or pulsed ground
unlock output. Connect the Green wire to the low current ground signal wire from the factory door unlock switch to the
factory door unlock relay. See Below For Wiring Detail.
3 Wire Positive Switched Door Locks:
In this application, the Red wire of the two pin harness provides a + 12 volt pulse during the disarming sequence, or
pulsed 12 volt unlock output. Connect the Red wire to the low current 12 volt signal wire from the factory door unlock
switch to the factory door unlock relay.
The Green wire of the two pin harness provides a + 12 volt pulse during the arming sequence, or pulsed 12 volt lock
output. Connect the Green wire to the low current 12 volt signal wire from the factory door lock switch to the factory
door lock relay. See Below For Wiring Detail.
3 Wire Positive Switched Door Lock/Unlock Wiring Detail
Note: For connection to Four Wire Polarity Reversal, 5 Wire Alternating 12 Volts, And All Other Door Lock Circuits
the Audiovox AS-9159 Door Lock Interface, (or equivalent 30 A automotive relays) must be used. Refer to the
Audiovox Door Lock Wiring Supplement for proper wiring of these circuits.
4 Wire Polarity Reversal and
5 Wire Alternating 12 Volt
2 Pin Blue Connector : Programming Switch
Route the grey and black wires in the 2 pin connector from the previously installed programming switch to the control
module and plug it into the mating blue connector on the side of the module.
The auxiliary 4 pin connector provides low current outputs to control various functions in the vehicle during different
stages of the Remote Start unit's operation. Understanding these outputs and the time in which they occur will allow
you to determine if they are needed for the particular vehicle you are working on as well as how to use them.
Black w Blue Trace Wire: Pulsed Ground Output Before Start
The Black w/Blue Trace wire will provide a 1 second 300mA pulsed ground output 1.5 second before the remote start
unit activates as well as when the transmitter is used to disarm the system. Typical use for this output would be to