
Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed, press and hold the selected button
of each additional transmitter until the chirp tone is heard, or move to step #5
5. Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to
channel 2.
6. (a) Disregard this step.
(b) The dash mounted LED will flash 2 times, and the siren will "chirp" 2
times indicating that the system is ready to accept programming for
channel 2. Unlock/2nd Unlock, Disarm, and Panic. Press and hold the
Unlock button on your keychain transmitter until the siren emits a long
chirp tone. This confirms that programming of channel 2 was successful.
Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed, press and hold the selected
button of each additional transmitter until the chirp tone is heard, or
7. Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to channel 3.
8. The dash mounted LED will flash 3 times, and the siren will "chirp" 3
times, indicating that the system is ready to accept programming for
channel 3. Trunk Release Output, (where so equipped), or alternate
channel output when used.
9. (a) Press and hold the 1st Opt. button on your keychain transmitter until
the siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 3 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
(b) Press and hold the Opt. button on your keychain transmitter until the
siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of
channel 3 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed,
press and hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until
the chirp tone is heard.
10. Press and release the valet/override switch one time to advance to channel 4
if so equipped. If your system does not have a 4th channel, a long chirp followed
by a short chirp tone will indicate that the program mode has been exited.
11. The dash mounted LED will flash 4 times, and siren will "chirp" 4 times
indicating that the system is ready to accept programming of channel 4.
12. (a) Press and hold the remaining Opt. button of the transmitter until the
siren emits a long chirp tone. This confirms that programming of channel
4 was successful. Up to 4 transmitters can be programmed, press and
hold the selected button of each additional transmitter until the chirp
tone is heard.