In today’s fast paced world, it has become a necessity
to have access to real-time information. Your commu-
nications tools must provide you with this access from
anywhere at anytime. With that in mind, Audiovox de-
veloped the CDM-9150X, our first 1X capable tri-mode
handset with web browsing and voice activated dialing
This 1X digital handset enables carriers supporting 1X
technology to provide consumers with access to high
speed connectivity for web browsing, email and mobile
ecommerce. Operating on the 800 MHz Amps/CDMA
and 1900 MHz PCS frequencies, the CDM-9150X al-
lows for seamless nationwide coverage as well as of-
fering other state-of-the-art, user-friendly features. Voice
activated dialing and two-way speakerphone are great
for enhancing hands-free use of this phone. T9
Input, vibrating alert and a 7-line LCD Display with ad-
justable text size make the CDM-9150X easier to use.
The CDM-9150X also has user changeable faceplates,
enabling you to express your individuality through your
wireless handset.
Several optional accessories are available for the CDM-
9150X, including: hands-free devices, charging devices
(vehicle, travel, desktop, AC), data interface cable, belt
clip, and of course, color user changeable faceplates.
Your new CDM-9150X provides you with something only
an Audiovox phone can: the proven reliability that has
made us a leading wireless handset provider. Please
take a few moments to read the following pages of the
owner’s operating manual. It will help you make the
most efficient use of this valuable communications tool.
Handheld Portable
Cellular Telephone