
Using the Monitor feature
The FR-314 has a unique feature which allows a pair of units to
operate as a remote monitoring system. A single unit to be placed
in an area and transmit sounds from that area to a second FR-314
transceiver. The monitor feature allows the user of the second
transceiver to check the status of the radio link between the two
transceivers and periodically “listen in” on the remote transceiver.
This is particularly useful as a baby monitor.
To use a pair of FR-314 transceivers in the monitor mode,
they must both have the CTCSS mode activated and be set to the
same Channel and CTCSS code. For the remote transceiver, activate
and adjust the vox mode as described earlier. Then press the function
button 5 times or until the monitor icon flashes on the LCD. The
transceiver will show the current status with the words “on or off”.
Use the up or down buttons to change the setting. After adjustment,
the FR-314 will return to the standby state if no buttons are pressed
for 5 seconds, or if the call or PTT buttons are pressed. If vox
operation has been selected the vox icon will display on the LCD.
Remember to reduce the volume setting of the remote transceiver,
if it is to be used as a baby monitor. If the transceiver will be used to
monitor an area for longer than 30 minutes, make sure that the shut-
off timer is not active. Place the remote transceiver on its base with the
front, facing the area to be monitored.
Monitor Icon