14 of 16
GMRS/FRS Channels: 22 Channels
Shared FRS/GMRS Channels Numbers 1-7
FRS only Channels Numbers 8-14
GMRS only Channels Numbers 15-22
FM Radio Band 87.5 - 108 MHz
Battery Life: (5%: Rx, 5%:Tx, 90% Standby)
Alkaline 30 - 36 Hours
Power Source 6.0 Vdc
1. Sensitivity -120dBm Min.
2. Max. audio output @ 10% THD 110 mV
3. Max. S/N ratio @ 1mV RF input 40 dB Min.
4. Squelch Sensitivity Threshold -120 dBm Min.
5. Adjacent Channel Selectivity 50 dB MIn.
1. Maximum Effective Radiated
Power 500 mW
2. Audio Distortion 3 %
3. Hum and Noise 35 dB Min.
* These specifications are subject to change without notice.
They represent typical values, individual units may vary.