Entering a destination address
You can enter a destination address in various different ways:
enter city, road and intersection letter-by-letter by means of the “keyboard”;
load an address from the personal address book;
select a Point of interest (hotels, gas stations, etc.) from the database stored on the
map CD;
load one of the 10 destination addresses last used.
Entering city and road
Select “Destination input” in the main menu.
The “Destination input” menu is displayed.
Select “Country” if you first want to change the destination country.
This option is only available, if more than one country is stored on the currently
inserted map CD.
Select “City/Road”.
The display shows “City:” and the keyboard
Enter the city name using the “keyboard”
Select the ¢ icon and choose one of the database entries.
If a city name in the wrong state is displayed after selecting ‘OK’, check the list with
¢ in case the desired destination is represented as ‘..., TOWN OF’ or ‘... TWP’ in the
If more than one entry with the same name is stored in the database, the cursor is
automatically placed on the ¢ icon. In this case select the desired entry from the list.
If the number of possible entries is large, it can take some seconds until the list is
Confirm your entry by selecting “OK” or select an entry from the list.
The “Road:” input menu appears.
If less than 5 roads are available in the specified city, town or village the list of
roads is shown automatically.
Enter the road name using the “keyboard” or select the ¢ icon and choose one of
the database entries.
Unincorporated county listings require a street or a Point of interest to activate
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A...E.G I.KLM..